I’m bussing today/tonight from Minneapolis, MN to Bozeman, MT. Minneapolis was really a vacation more than a tour stop. I visited with one of my favorite people, and favorite musicians ever… Ms. Beth Varela.
I’ve wanted to see Minneapolis for many years now… it popped up on an online quiz I took to determine places I might be happy living. And, ever since I’ve been curious. ☺
I had no idea of what a treat of a visit this would be. But, I get ahead of myself. On the way from Chicago to Minneapolis, the germs that I collected in Memphis caught up to me and turned into the plague. When I arrived in Chicago, anticipating this possibility, I got myself onto a regiment of Echinacea tea, zinc, as much water as I could remember to drink, and Cold Snap, which my host, Jessie, introduced me to.
I really love Cold Snap. It has the coolest tagline: Twenty Herbs to Restore Righteous Chi. And, even though I don’t really know what that means… it just sounds cool. Plus the directions (which Jessie can pretty much quote off the top of her head) read as follows:
Basic Way: Take two capsules three times a day.
Another Way: Throw out the notion that a printed set of directions will provide the exact answer. Consider size, constitution, timing and other factors affecting each unique person. Frequent use (as often as every twenty minutes) may be required in certain circumstances. With more experience and some anticipation, you won’t need to consume a large quantity of herbs. The suggested maximum amount per day is 24 capsules.
But, this is all to say that by the time I got over the excitement of winning the open mic and the fun bus ride from Chicago and arrived in Minneapolis, I was ready for a break and some rest. So, it was really good timing – for my cold and for a vacation stop.
I did sing at the open mic on Thursday. But, every open mic is going to pale in comparison to the Chicago experience… so, there’s not much to say about it. One cool thing was a sketch artist, Tim Roark, who was drawing members of the audience and performers while they sang. Unfortunately, I was sitting behind him, so I didn’t get drawn! But, I took some pictures of his sketches to post for you. Very cool…
So, back to Beth, the queen of distraction, and my vacation stop. Beth works harder than pretty much anyone I have ever met (I’m talking two full-time jobs for the first 9 months out of school, and currently working consistently 15 hours of overtime + finishing up her MBA, writing the score for an independent film and playing in 3 bands), but she can also play twice as hard (now we’re talking pool, dancing, softball, juggling, triathlon and roller-blading marathon competitor, costume wearer, and various other shenanigans too numerous to mention). So, I wasn’t going to be dallying much in her presence!
I rested and did computer work in the morning while she worked, but then she took me all over the Twin Cities in the afternoon and evenings. We, of course, had to take a trip to the Mall of America… when in Rome, you know? I saw Lego Land, went on an indoor log ride, and visited Underwater World, the aquarium in the basement of the mall.
The guide at Underwater World was super smart and patient and kept pointing out gigantic animals we were missing – like the ginormous turtle in the shark tank. So, I asked her, “what do turtles eat anyway?” And she said “fish,” and a couple of other things I don’t remember… and then these other visitors standing nearby piped in and said, “Yeah, and rats.” And, she replied, “Um, well, they live in the ocean so I don’t know how they’d…”
Of course, I completely lost it, and dove somewhat indiscreetly behind Beth to avoid bursting out laughing in their faces. But, as it turned out, they actually have this one huge turtle-alligator combo animal that DOES get fed rodents!!! Go figure…
I also got to meet many of her friends, my favorite of which is Erin, who I now also adore. Erin is a visual artist, and is taking some pre-reqs to go into medical illustration. Though, at the ripe age of 26, she’s already working as a marketing director… Such smart, creative women – so inspiring!
We all went out to hear Beth's favorite jazz drummer at the Times Bar and then went to Pi where there was supposed to be dancing, but there was karaoke and pool. So, we played pool instead.
I guess all good things must come to an end. Or, at least chapters close so that the next can begin… So, I got on my bus this morning and am on the road to Bozeman where I’ll just be staying for one short night before moving on to Seattle, Portland, and then down the south of the west coast.
It’s turned dark outside now. But, I got a couple of snapshots of North Dakota before the sun set. I love watching the landscape change around me as I move across the country. It’s so cool. So much space here…
I’m really having a blast. Feeling so inspired musically… Beth played around with a couple of songs I’ve written that are going on the new album. She tried some new chord voicings for my piano tunes, and we threw a tune (that’s as of yet only a verse) into garage band with a dance beat and a bass line. So fun! Can’t wait for it all to be done so you can hear it! We talked briefly about her arranging this album for me. EEK! We’re gonna wait to revisit that idea in December when her thesis and film score are done, and I’m off the road.
I’m just feeling so happy to be alive, too… what with the plague scare and all.
Hope this finds you in good health and spirits.
PS - Probably my favorite purchase in recent history is sitting on my face in this picture. I was going to be Sarah Palin for Halloween (a bus driver in GA told me I looked like her), but I couldn't spring for a power suit or hair dresser. So, I just ended up with the glasses which I wore throughout most of my Minneapolis visit. Tee Hee... Like my new look? ☺

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