Sunday, September 28, 2008

Arlington House Concert

I am so excited now. It seems to have sunk in that I am leaving. Just today, when I was going to the bathroom, actually. The thought entered in… it’s Saturday, and I don’t have to be anywhere Monday morning. The thought that I had to “work” on Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon (when I go back into the studio) – made me giggle. This doesn’t feel like work – not, yet, anyway.

I did my first show tonight. Wine was poured while rain was pouring outside. Kitties occupied the chairs before the guests arrived, and then my guitar case once they were kicked out of the chairs. Our gracious hostess made grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches with soup for dinner.
I had a great time.

During two different tunes, I looked up to see two different faces wet with tears.

The best part was the feeling… the awareness that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. On this night, in this town, singing my heart out for a room full of attentive audience members. No day job to attend to on Monday. The feeling that I belong in my skin. There's nothing like it.

Many people have told me that you should only do this - follow down this musical path - if you have no choice. If there is nothing else you can do.

I appreciate the warning… and for many years, I have let that warning deter me from this path. There are, in fact, many other things I can do. I speak Spanish. I’m good with people – of all ages, needing various things from me. I'm good at organizing events and managing office tasks. I am not being held captive by my music.

No, for me this is a choice.

But, now that I’ve made it, I can’t wait to see where it takes me. Or, to hear the music that moves through me.

Thank you Derek and Rebekah for hosting the beginning of a beautiful thing!

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