Saturday, October 18, 2008

On the road

Hi all,

So, I've played three shows in three different cities since I last wrote!

First, was the Java Room in Chelmsford, MA on Saturday, October 11th. Even though this was a tiny audience, it offered me the opportunity to play the piano in front of people for the first time. A bit unnerving, but a great night all in all! It also gave me a chance to test out my camera, which, unfortunately we placed way too close to the speakers! So, most of the audio is clipped and pretty unbearable to listen to... However, I did salvage a clip of the last song that night, Breathe Child.

I left Boston on Wednesday, October 15th headed to New York. I was so emotional the morning I left... getting sentimental at every touch from Andrea, and every tuft of fur from Cornelius. I was quite sure I was going to leak tears all the way to New York. But, much to my surprise, I pulled it together standing in line at the Greyhound terminal where I picked up my Discovery Pass, and my first ticket.

Then, I was off. And, elation and a sense of spaciousness and freedom began to set in as I rolled past the buildings on I-90. It was beginning to sink in, and I got really excited...

I was headed down to play at Googie's Lounge in the Lower East Side of New York on Thursday night, October 17th. But, first I got to visit with my gorgeous and genius 2-year old nephew, Henry. His tv viewing so far in life has been limited to the show, Maisy, which I must admit is new to me... but, I just about died when he said in his tiny, and somewhat British sounding accent "can I watch a little bit of Maisy?" A little bit of Maisy was followed by some reading of Maisy, and then some Dr. Seuss, and several other books and rocking, before bed time. That was probably the highlight of my NYC trip. I was psyched. : )

I also visited in New York with a dear and long-lost friend, Amalie, who despite her broken wrist, helped me into the city to set up for my show at Googie's on Thursday night. Again a small, but very attentive audience. : ) I wasn't allowed to shoot video there, so I have no photographic evidence of my performance. But, I really enjoyed catching up with friends in New York... and was thrilled to have a few folks in the audience who've heard me perform for many years and commented on how my voice and songs have matured over time. Never a bad thing to hear! I think songs are like wine... better when aged.

I woke up Friday and was off to Philly. From whence I write you now. I played a shared bill show here last, with two other groups at the Osage Ave concert series. If you're ever in or near Philly, you need to get connected with these folks. There is a magical vibe in this house! And, if you are looking for an amazing photographer for any arts or commercial projects, look no further than JJ Tiziou, my humble host.

It was a great, great night for music - with a turn out of probably 100 people or more! So far, this is my favorite new place in the whole wide world. : ) Plugs for Casino-Free Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Complaints Choir were interspersed between the musical acts. Wine and micro brews were poured, and people took seats (on the floor, behind the stage, in the kitchen, and all up and down the stairs) to watch! So much fun... I'll post more video later once I've had a chance to look at it tonight on the bus to North Carolina!

I feel so free now! I began writing a song about this state (of mind, not the state of Pennsylvania) this morning. I finally feel for the first time in as long as I can remember, like I'm doing exactly what I'm "supposed" to be doing. Like I belong where I am. Like there's no where else I'd rather be.

This is good. This is very, very good.

I'm off to the Greyhound!

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